Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bunny Willows

Here is a really cute craft I'm calling "Bunny Willows".

I was at Dollaramma and they had these great packages of pastel colored pompoms, which of course I bought thinking I would come up with something.

The kids had a great time making these and I did this craft with both the Beavers troop (5-8 yr olds) and Kindergarten.

Materials Required:

a branch
large pompoms
med. pompoms
teeny tiny pompoms
tiny googly eyes or black beads
scraps of felt
tacky glue

Take a large pompom and spread it apart a bit.  Apply some glue.

Find a good spot on your branch...stick the pompom on and give it a good squeeze.

Continue to add large pompoms everywhere you want a bunny.  The pompoms look great on the branch by themselves too....... so you don't have to make everyone a bunny if you don't want to.

Take your scraps of felt and cut out a set of ears.  I did this ahead of time for the kids.  I made the ears all one piece for easy gluing.

Apply some glue to the bottom of the ears and stick on a medium pompom.

Add 2 eyes and a teeny tiny pompom for a nose.

Then glue this head onto your large pompom.

Finally you can add another teeny tiny pompom to the back for a tail.

Give it a try and I'll see you soon from Maui!

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