Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pastel Resist Madonna - Art Project

Well, in the midst of the Christmas Craft day preparations I still have to come up with some good art projects for school. It's not all about the crafts you know!

Here is a Pastel Resist Madonna that I came up with for Grade 5. I'm am very pleased with the results and the kids did amazing pieces....ones that put my own sample to shame.

Click on the photo to see larger

You only need some basic supplies for this one. Try to find heavy kraft paper if you can. I've been really disappointed with the lightweight stuff that seems to be out there now....even at the Post Office. The kraft paper at school is fairly thin so I actually went to the grocery store and they sold me some bags for 6 cents a piece, not bad.


You can use the templates if you want. They are set up to so you start with the largest first and then progressively build up your design. You have to draw your own faces though.

Start with #1 and then layer each piece in order. Only trace any new lines

When your design is finished go over all pencil lines with a sharpie marker. It needs to be permanent marker to last thru the painting stage.

Using oil pastels add some color. You want to have some of the paper showing thru so it will pick up the black paint. Mix colors together and add shading and highlight if you want.

Be sure to do the background.

Now take some black tempera paint and paint over your design. We are not crumpling our paper like we have done with other resists, we want to keep it nice and flat.

The oil pastel will resist the paint. It will bead up like it has done here. Let it dry. The paint gives the piece almost a wood grain pattern so it looks like it was painted on a wood panel hundreds of years ago.

While you are waiting for it to dry cut up some pieces of cardboard. Using the edges stamp on some silver and gold acrylic paint for a gilded effect.

We want our halos to be quite decorative.

Using a Q tip add some paint dots around the halo.

On this one I decided to paint the baby Jesus in silver to draw the eye to him.

That's it.

Hope to have a few more art projects mixed in with the crafts in the coming week.

see you next time


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