Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stained Glass on Paper

This is a really easy technique that gives you a stained glass effect using paper, tempera or watercolor and glue. After my last post I received some comments advising me to try some colored glue...I gave it a try and it turned out great ...Thanks so much Toni and Gena!
Materials Required:
white school glue
black acrylic paint
paper, I used 90lb wc but heavy sketch would work as well
watercolor or cake tempera paint
masking tape

I took regular school glue this time and mixed in 2 good squeezes of black acrylic paint. I mixed it right in the glue bottle using a chopstick to stir it up.

To my surprise it became very black I was a little worried it would be milky grey. Because the glue itself will dry clear the color you add stands out very nicely.

Tape your paper down. I'm using 90lb wc paper that we use at school. A heavy sketch paper would do just fine as well as white posterboard.

Draw out your design in pencil.

My 9 yr old son agreed to be my test subject on the condition he could draw whatever he wanted...he chose Star Wars.

Trace over your design with the black glue. If you get some on the tape you can wipe it away before it dries. I left some on the tape and I had to cut it off .

My son stated " Mom.... this is way easy!!" giving his stamp of approval that Grade 4 could do this.

Let your design dry. Make sure to leave it on a flat surface.

After it has dried you can take an eraser if you want and erase any pencil lines

Paint your design. The nice thing about the glue is it keeps the paint from running into other sections .

That's all there is to it...I can see some great applications for Christmas.
Here is the one my son did....I think it turned out pretty cool !!
Thanks again Toni and Gena!
see you next time

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