Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Easy Mother's Day Project-Painted Pots

Here is a really easy Mother's Day art project. I am doing this with Kindergarten this year as we are pressed for time with all the Opera rehearsals.


4 inch peat pots, I got mine at a local nursery...they cost 20 cents a piece
white acrylic paint or gesso
tempera paints

I absolutely love these peat pots from a crafting point of view...I can paint them, decoupage them, color on them (pastels work really well), collage them....you name it. I always try to stock up on them...add a handle and they make great baskets for gift giving etc.

From a gardening view they can be challenging to keep moist and when you plant them directly into the ground you lose your art work so I put a plastic pot inside them to hold the flower.

You need to prime your pots first. I use gesso which is a thick white acrylic paint...you can use plain white acrylic craft paint as well.

Cover the entire pot and leave to dry.

Using tempera paints paint your pot whatever way you wish...for the kindergartners I did not let them use black or brown because the pots end up just black and brown......(they tend to overmix colors and we end up with mud).

Let the pots dry and then plant...if you want to have the pot as a keepsake use a 4 inch plastic pot as a liner. We added a ladybug glued to a popsicle stick and Ta Da...easy Mother's Day Gift.

Have fun!

see you next time


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