Sunday, May 31, 2009

Father's Day Card

Here is a Father's Day card I couldn't resist putting on the blog. Brought to my attention by one of the Kindergarten Moms (thanks Larissa!) this will be the card Kindergarten will be making.

Materials Required:

template, you can use mine here

cardstock or posterboard around 8"x14"

sharpie marker

tempera paint


glue stick


Using the template trace out your saw shape onto your posterboard. Outline with sharpie.

Find a window....trace the outline onto the other side in pencil. Take off of window and retrace your lines with the sharpie.

Paint the handle for the inside of the card. PLEASE NOTE: for some strange reason I did this backwards for these photos...for a proper card the handle should be on the left side.

When dry turn over and paint the handle and saw part...REMEMBER it's backward on this picture..handle should be on the right. Here I'm painting it all brown put you can paint the saw part grey or blue if you want.

Tear off a piece of foil that is as long as the saw part of the card.

Using the glue stick coat the inside saw with glue...go past the serrated ends to make sure your foil will be fully glued down before you start cutting......(remember picture is backwards..handle should be on left)

Place foil shiny side up onto the the glue and smooth...turn over and start cutting. You will have to trim the foil where the handle meets the metal part of the saw on the inside of the card.

Cut out the inside part of the handle.

Using the sharpie write on your message

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY on the front of the card

TO THE GREATEST DAD I EVER SAW! on the inside.....the sharpie works great on the foil.

That's it

Sorry I haven't posted much this past week but I have been trying to get my garden planted. Here in Calgary we are FINALLY safe to plant...we've had a very cold spring.

see you next time


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