Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fossil Casts - Dinosaur Art Project #1

Okay these are really easy I almost decided not to do them but after all the comments from the kids at school who saw the samples we will have to go ahead.

Kindergarten is doing their Dinosaur Unit right now, so I have been putting together some dinosaur projects for them.


- salt dough clay (recipe to follow)
- tin can or large glass
- parchment paper or foil
- cookie sheet
- access to an oven
- little plastic dinosaurs
- some plastic ferns or trees
- acrylic craft paint
- paper towel
- mod podge
- paintbrush


4 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
1-2 cups of water (can vary due to air humidity)
This is enough for 8 casts approx. 4 inches in diameter

Mix up your salt dough want to add enough water to make a soft workable dough. This clay will keep indefinitely in your fridge.

Knead a bit to get it nice and consistent.

Roll out your dough to a 1 inch thickness.

Cut a round...I'm using a large tomato can.... I have one of those safety can openers..the ones that don't leave a sharp edge. It has enabled me to use cans for arts and crafts without worrying about any cuts..truly fantastic!

( rounds ready for imprints )

We are imprinting some background foliage for our dinosaurs...I'm using some plastic tree parts that I think are from an old playmobil set.

These are stems from some artificial flowers.

Press into the dough hard enough to leave a nice imprint. We put our foliage around the sides leaving the center for the dinosaur.

You now can imprint your dinosaur....we are using small ones from the dollar store that are about 2-3 inches. Don't push too don't want to go all the way thru.

You can use this technique to make bug or reptile casts as well...or one that is only ferns and plants.

Place on foil or parchment paper and bake at 350 degrees for about 2 hrs. You want them to be hard.

Let them cool.

Make a glaze by watering down some acrylic paint.

After brushing it on ...wipe it down a bit with a paper towel for a nice antiqued look.

When dry use a thin coat of mod podge to get that shine and to seal them.

That's it....piece of cake.. yet the kids think they are fantastic and have a great time doing them...what more could you ask for.

Give it a try and we'll see you next time with another dinosaur project.

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